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5 Reasons to Pick
a White-Label DSP Today

(and not a self-serve one)

A battle between a WL DSP and a self-serve one sounds like some Batman vs. Superman melee, but it’s not. It’s far from a fair fight since the white-label tool features everything from a self-serve one plus much more.

Significant differences between solutions make it critical to do your due diligence when choosing the right DSP for your business. This PDF covers how each DSP type solves problems for brands and ad networks, and when exactly you might actually need an upgrade. Before you pick one over the other, the quiz inside will help to understand what makes a white-label DSP more powerful than its self-serve counterart.

Download your guide:

Gain Better Insight Into:

  • How a white-label DSP cuts down monthly expenses by up to 10-30%;
  • How to unite all traffic sources under one roof using a white-label DSP;
  • How to customize the white-label platform as your own;
  • How enhanced targeting with bidstream data improves your performance;
  • How a white-label DSP allows you to give accounts to advertisers;
  • How to make the final pick between the regular tool and WL one [Quiz Inside].
  • And more!
Read on to make an informed choice between white-label DSP and self-serve DSP
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