Post-Coronapocalypse survival guide

for Brands and Ad Networks

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A Tech Pro Research survey found that digital transformation was the top priority for 70% of companies in 2019. COVID-19 has expedited the timeline for all that changes leaving no room for smoothing things out. How should you act now to come out ahead? Let's see.

This e-book helps you navigate the post-coronapocalypse world with grace and wisdom. We gathered an awful lot of data on COVID-related losses, the experience of past recessions, best-performing channels, and more to help you break through the hindrances.

What You'll Learn:

  • Expectation vs. reality in global ad spend predictions.
  • Which advertising verticals will decline? Which ones will grow?
  • China: the country that already survived a mild scenario of the outbreak.
  • How the crisis will affect Facebook & Google ad tech duopoly.
  • Looking back at the Great Recession: what is applicable now, what's not.
  • New ad trends that will arise during the crisis
  • Tips on how to enter the post-coronapocalypse and minimize loss.
  • And more.

Get an eagle eye on the online advertising ecosystem and learn how to succeed in your digital transformation journey in the post-pandemic times.
