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Scribd App Success Story: +25% User Base in a Month

Challenge: difficulties converting users from 30-day free trial into paying subscribers, needed an effective strategy to boost user conversion rates.

Solution: included integration with Appsflyer for precise tracking, A/B testing of smart banner creatives, and real-time optimization.

lift in new subscriptions in first 40 days
lift in new subscriptions in 3 months
for Scribd
ad creatives
A/B test

Scribd is a digital e-book and audiobook library which has a subscription service that includes over a million titles. Membership includes monthly access to an unlimited number of the best books, audiobooks, documents, and magazines.

Scribds' 30-day free trial was not converting users into customers at the rate they expected, so they choose Epom to sell non-paying users on the value of subscribing.

The Challenge

Scribd, one of the leading literature apps in the US and other countries, faced a challenge. Despite offering a 30-day free trial, they struggled to convert iOS and Android users into paying subscribers at the expected rate.

So, the mission was clear: transform non-paying users into loyal, paying subscribers while ensuring Scribd delivered value on the subscription period.

Strategic Partnership with Epom

Having the need for an adtech solution, Scribd partnered with Epom to tackle this conversion conundrum. The goal was to find the right tools and strategies to sell non-paying users on the benefits of subscribing, while enhancing the overall user experience within the app.

Applying Innovative Solutions

Epom devised a multi-faceted strategy to boost Scribd’s subscription rates, leveraging advanced technology and creative ad solutions.

Integration with Appsflyer

Epom integrated with Appsflyer, a mobile attribution tracking platform, to accurately track installs and user events. This integration provided valuable insights into user behavior, making it easier for Scribd to elaborate on a data-driven approach to improving conversion rates.

A/B Testing with Smart Banner Creatives

To determine the most effective ad formats, Epom conducted A/B tests on Smart Banner creatives across native, banner, and interstitial ad placements. This allowed them to identify which formats resonated best with Scribd's audience, optimizing the ad experience for maximum engagement.

Real-Time Optimization with Machine Learning

Epom's machine learning system analyzed Scribd's mobile profiles in real-time to optimize impression bidding. By delivering personalized ads tailored to individual user preferences and behaviors, Epom ensured each ad was relevant and compelling, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Engaging Creatives and Seamless Integration

The team focused on creating engaging ad creatives that were seamlessly integrated into Scribd's app user experience (UX). By ensuring the ads were visually appealing and unobtrusive, users were more likely to interact with them and consider upgrading to the paid model.

The Remarkable Results

The strategic approach quickly paid off, delivering impressive results for Scribd:

  1. Conversion increases. Within a week, the new strategy successfully converted more installs into paid subscribers, achieving Scribd’s target cost per acquisition (CPA).
  2. Enhanced user engagement. The personalized and engaging ads enticed users to explore the benefits of the paid subscription, driving higher engagement levels.
  3. Optimized ad spend. Real-time bidding optimization ensured efficient use of Scribd’s ad spend, maximizing return on investment (ROI) while minimizing costs.
  4. Improved user experience. Seamless ad integration maintained a positive user experience, reducing churn and fostering long-term loyalty.

Key Takeaways

Scribd’s journey with Epom offers valuable insights for other businesses facing similar challenges:

  1. Data-Driven Decisions: Integrating with a robust attribution platform like Appsflyer enables precise tracking and data-driven decision-making.
  2. A/B Testing: Experimenting with different ad formats through A/B testing helps identify the most effective strategies for user engagement and conversion.
  3. Machine Learning: Leveraging machine learning for real-time optimization ensures ads are personalized and relevant, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  4. Seamless UX Integration: Ensuring ads blend seamlessly into the app’s UX enhances user experience and reduces the risk of alienating potential subscribers.
  5. Efficient Ad Spend: Optimizing ad spend through real-time bidding and personalized targeting maximizes ROI and achieves desired outcomes more efficiently.

A Blueprint for Success

Scribd’s success story underscores the importance of strategic partnerships and innovative ad solutions in overcoming conversion challenges. By adopting a data-driven, user-centric approach, businesses can transform non-paying users into loyal subscribers, driving growth and long-term success in the competitive app market. For companies striving to enhance their subscription rates, Scribd’s journey with Epom serves as a blueprint for achieving outstanding results through thoughtful strategy and advanced technology.

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