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Banner Ad Sizes Mastery: Most Popular Options For Every Channel

Jul 16, 202412 min read
Tetiana Kuznietsova
Tetiana Kuznietsova, AdTech Writer
banner ad sizes

The modern world is changing at an unspeakable pace, yet something remains the same for years. Banner ads, for example. Marketers have relied on them to deliver their messages at least since the early 2000s. Indeed, banners provided a convenient way to grab people’s attention on websites and later – in social media and mobile apps. Banner ads allow companies to build brand awareness, engage users, generate leads, and convert them to clients. No doubt, it’s a powerful tool.

Still, every complex piece of equipment comes with a manual. You need to know how to handle the tool properly to get the maximum out of it. The most essential knowledge for marketers includes understanding common banner ad sizes and the optimal channels to use them.

This article will help you dive into the ocean of banner wisdom and emerge fully prepared to launch successful ad campaigns. We’ll discuss the variety of sizes and channels, discover if size really matters when it comes to banners, and provide advice for finding a perfect fit. So, don’t make a mistake – read the article instead!

What Is a Banner Ad?

Every incredible journey starts with basics; in our case, it’s the definition of a banner. We see them every day, and we’re used to them, but can you answer the question: what a banner ad actually is?

We won’t waste your time: a banner ad is a type of digital advertising that presents information graphically on websites, mobile apps, social media, etc. Graphics can take different forms, from static images to animation, interactive elements, video, and so on. The main purpose of a banner is to lure a user’s attention and offer a message about a product, brand, etc. Banners are primarily clickable – they lead a user to another webpage.

Size is the most important characteristic of a banner. There are standard banner ad sizes for different devices and platforms. So, when creating an online marketing strategy, you must consider them all and choose those that match your goal. Soon, we’ll explain in detail how to do it.

Why Banners Are So Popular?

October 27, 1994, was the day the first banner was born. It was a small horizontal rectangle on a HotWired (online version of a famous Wired magazine) website with the text: "Have you ever clicked your mouse right HERE? You will". A small step for a website and a massive leap for the marketing industry. The banner belonged to AT&T, and placement on the HotWired website cost $30,000 for three months. Shockingly, the click-through rate was 44%. Modern marketers can only dream about such success!


Since then, banners have conquered the world of advertisement. For example, according to Statista, in 2024-2028, annual ad spending growth will constitute 5.69%, and by 2028, the market volume will likely reach $217.6 billion. In 2024, the average ad spending per user is projected to be around $31.5.

Does it mean humanity can’t develop something new and better than banners? Likely, no. There’s a more straightforward explanation for the popularity of banner ads. Actually, at least five explanations:

banner ads benefits
  1. Visual nature. It helps draw attention to the ad, create the right impression and, as a result, communicate a message effectively.
  2. Multiple ad placement opportunities. Banners come in various sizes (we’ll get there pretty soon, and you’ll be impressed by the range), so any campaign can find its “canvas” to deliver the message. Also, you can use banner ads on numerous platforms and across different devices, such as smartphones, tablet PCs, desktops, etc.
  3. Clear success metrics. If a marketer knows the campaign's goal, they can choose the proper indicators to measure the impact and monitor progress in real-time. Analyzing the numbers also allows you to make adjustments on the go.
  4. Easy targeting. The better you know the audience you want to reach, the better the outcome. In this case, you can target your digital banner ads in the most precise way. And metrics will show how well you’ve done it.
  5. Cost optimization. In the early stages of banner advertisement development, you paid for a specific amount of time for your ad on the publisher’s website. Today, programmatic advertising allows you to pay for clicks, impressions, etc. You decide what pricing model to use depending on your campaign’s goal. Therefore, you spend the money efficiently and optimize costs.

Banner ads incorporate benefits for publishers and advertisers both, and these benefits are numerous. That’s why banners still rule the digital advertisement world!

Investigating Common Banner Sizes

Despite the versatility of possible banner sizes, some have gained well-deserved popularity over the years and become industry standards. For example, the size 468*60 is one of the oldest forms still in use.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is an organization that develops standards and best practices for the ad industry. It provides a set of standard banner sizes for desktop and mobile devices. Here are some of them.

Desktop banner ad sizes:

desktop banner ad sizes banner banner banner banner banner
  • Billboard banner (970*250). This big horizontal banner is typically placed at the top or the bottom of the webpage.
  • Leaderboard banner (728*90). Another big one is suitable for the top or bottom of the website. There’s a super leaderboard banner, too. It’s wider but the same height (970*90).
  • Medium rectangle (300*250). This is one of the top banner sizes of all time (according to some ratings, number one). It’s usually placed inside the website content.
  • Skyscrapers (120*600) and wide skyscrapers (160*600) are popular vertical banners. Since they are narrow, they are normally located in the web page sidebar.
  • Portrait (300*1050). This one is even taller and wider than the skyscraper banner, which makes it a good choice due to its high visibility. According to various sources, its click-through rates are often high.
  • 20x60 (120*60). This banner is small, so it’s usually placed inside the content.

Mobile banner ad sizes:

  • Smartphone banner (300*50 or 320*50): The one with the size 300*50 is also called a mobile static banner, and 320*50 is a mobile wide banner. Normally, these banners are located at the top or bottom of the smartphone screen.
  • Medium rectangle (300*250). It’s a good choice for mobile devices as well as desktops.
  • Mobile phone interstitial banners (640*1136, 750*1334, 1080*1920). They cover the whole screen and appear between the transitions inside the app.
  • Feature phone banners (small – 120*20, medium – 168*28, large – 216*36). These three sizes were created specifically for feature phones.
mobile banner ad sizes

Getting familiar with common sizes is crucial for making good decisions regarding ad campaigns. The correctly chosen size will positively affect the visibility and delivery of your message to the target audience. Nevertheless, the type of device is just one of the perspectives you should consider when devising an advertising strategy.

Now, let’s dive into format-specific banner sizes.

Display, Web, Website Banner: What’s the Difference?

Have you noticed that the terms “display banner”, “web banner”, and “website banner” are often used as synonyms? However, there’s a difference between them, and we’re going to uncover it for you.

The first term is the broadest. Display banners can be seen on websites, in mobile apps, and across various digital platforms. They are the cornerstone of programmatic advertising and are often provided via ad networks.

Web banners refer only to banners on websites, usually in certain predefined places on web pages. As part of traditional advertising methods, web banners used to be sold directly by owners. After programmatic advertising was born, ad networks became a better option for publishers to attract more clients.

A website banner is an even more narrow term that usually refers to a banner on a specific website. Sometimes, the distinction between website and web banners lies in how they are sold. Web banners may be offered by ad networks while website banners are managed by owners.

Generally, when discussing programmatic advertising, it’s common to use the term “display banners.” But if you see “web banners” or “website banners” instead, don’t be confused. The essence is similar, and the specific context defines small differences.

Display Ad Banner Sizes: What’s in Trend?

As we’ve discovered above, a display banner is usually offered through ad networks, such as Google Display Network (a part of AdSense). According to Google, in 2024, the top banner sizes are:

top banner ad sizes
  • Medium rectangle (300*250). It’s used on desktop and mobile devices and works best when placed inside the text content or at the end.
  • Large rectangle (336*280). It also delivers the best results when used in the content.
  • Leaderboard (728*90). Due to its big size and beneficial placement, this banner can help increase brand awareness and reach other marketing goals. Locate it above the content to draw users’ attention.
  • Half page (300*600). This size is gaining more popularity very fast. The explanation is simple: good visibility leads to a high number of impressions. Lately, publishers have been offering such placements more often due to high demand from advertisers.
  • Large mobile banner (320*100). The mobile leaderboard (320*50) is extremely popular in mobile apps and on mobile-optimized websites. A large mobile banner provides twice the size, which potentially means more exposure and better campaign results.

Sure, the spectrum of banner sizes you can use is wider. But these five leaders may be a great starting point for your campaign.

What Mobile Banner Ad Sizes Are Popular?

Mobile devices are much more convenient than desktops in various circumstances. That’s why they continue to win the global race for human affection. According to Statista, in 2023, almost 96% of the global digital population connected to the internet with mobile devices. Moreover, these devices are currently responsible for over 60% of the website traffic.

So, placing banners optimized for mobile devices is a logical step. What sizes are the hottest today?

  • Medium rectangle (300*250) is a top choice. While smaller sizes lose their positions, this one is winning over. Again, the idea is simple: bigger space means more opportunities to deliver the message and get higher conversion rates.
  • Large rectangle (336*280). This size remains popular, although not every ad network works with it. For better results, place it between paragraphs or at the end of the content.
  • Mobile interstitials are available in various sizes, such as 300*250, the same as a medium rectangle, or 336*280, the same as a large rectangle. This format's benefit for publishers is its high eCPM.
  • Mobile leaderboards (320*50) or large mobile leaderboards (320*100) are getting trendy in 2024. One of the best examples of a mobile leaderboard banner is an anchor ad that stays on the bottom part of the screen while a user scrolls.
  • Square (336*336). This one is getting more popular as we speak.
  • Double rectangle, or half page (300*600). Another potential star in 2024, it’s taller than most mobile ads and allows you to get more impressions.

Responsive banners are another concept we’ll cover before moving to the next topic. They adjust to different screen sizes and ensure users see your banner correctly on every device. Popular ad networks normally support responsive banners. Here are some common sizes:

  • 320*50 to 320*100
  • 468*60 to 970*90
  • 300*250 to 336*280
  • 300*600 to 300*1050

Although they need more work at the design stage, they can help you save time and money later.

Video Banner Sizes: What Are the Standards Here?

Video banners are a type of digital banner that can provide enormous user engagement. In 2024, video ads have become a trendy format, even considering the higher production cost.

In general, video ads can be:

video banner ad sizes
  • In-stream (you can see them before watching content, in the middle, or at the end). The most common sizes are 640*360, 854*480, 1280*720 (HD), and 1920*1080 (Full HD).
  • In-banner videos look like banners and use the same placement as other types of banner ads. They can usually be expanded to a bigger window or lead to another website. Sometimes, they start auto-playing when they become visible, or the user should hover or click on them to start playing. The most popular size for in-banner video ads is 300*250.
  • Out-stream. You can see these video ads inside articles on various websites, social media feeds, etc. Usually, they start to play on mute when visible by 50%, and if you scroll past them, they stop playing. Similar to in-banner video ads, they use standard sizes, such as 300*250 (medium rectangle), 300*600 (half page), and 728*90 (leaderboard). The main difference between these two types of video ads is that out-stream ones need a video player on the platform. Otherwise, they won’t play.

Additionally, let’s talk about video banners for YouTube. According to Google, the most recommended size is 2560*1440 (an aspect ratio of 16:9), which is optimal for the TV screen. As for other devices, the size may vary:

  • 2560*423 for desktops,
  • 1855*423 for tablets,
  • 1546*423 for mobile phones.

Despite the size differences, the platform normally automatically changes the banner depending on the device. Just ensure that the critical information is inside the rectangle area (1235*338) in the center of your ad.

If you want your video banners to stay in trend, keep in mind these ideas:

  • Vertical and square videos are on a roll because of the mobile devices’ “invasion.”
  • If you choose videos with autoplay, don’t forget about captions.
  • Consider making high-resolution videos if your target audience values quality pictures.
  • Interactive elements in videos can help you increase engagement metrics.

Last but not least, since video banners are costly to produce, it makes sense to plan them carefully. Remember to consider platform, devices, audience, and other factors.

The Best Social Media Banner Sizes

Every social media has its own requirements and recommendations for preferable banner sizes. Let’s explore them!

1. Facebook and Instagram. First, define where you want to place your banner ad. If it’s a static banner for a feed, its aspect ratio should be 1:1 and size 1080*1080, and a static banner for stories or reels must be 1080*1920, 9:16. For video ads, the recommendations are different: for feed or stories, 864*1080, 4:5, and for reels, 500*888, 9:16.

2. X. Static images and videos must have an aspect ratio of 1:1 or 1.91:1. The resolution for video ads must be 628*1200 or 1200*1200.

3. TikTok. Top view ads must be 540*960 and have an aspect ratio of 1:1, 9:16, or 16:9. Brand takeover ads requirements: 720*1280, 9:16. In-feed ads: 9:16, 540*960, 640*640, or 960*540.

But remember, requirements may change, so check its recommendations before creating a banner ad for any social media platform. Also, to maximize the results of your social media ad campaign, follow these recommendations:

  • The majority of people will watch your ad on mobile devices, so consider it while designing your banners.
  • If your campaign runs across various platforms, all banners must have a consistent design and messaging.
  • Always test your banners on different devices.
  • Your banner's key elements should be located in the center to avoid problems with automatic resizing on different platforms.

Finally, pay close attention to CTA. Even the most thorough design will be wasted if it's not strong enough.

How to Choose the Right Banner Size

At this point, you are already familiar with the variety of banner ad sizes. But what steps should you take to choose the best option? Here’s an algorithm you may use:

Step 1. Define your goal. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness? Are you focused on conversions or traffic to your page? You won’t likely be able to achieve all such results simultaneously, so you must prioritize.

Step 2. Define your audience. Who are they? What devices do they prefer? What online habits do they have? How much time do they spend on social media? Try to create a detailed profile (or several if you’re dealing with different segments).

Step 3. Choose the ad placement. Will you use ad networks? Social media? Websites? Decide it depending on the data collected in the first two steps.

Step 4. Consider the platform requirements and IAB standards and create a list of available banner sizes.

Step 5. Define criteria (for example, visibility, budget, etc.) and rate all the options.

Step 6. Select the 2-3 best options and conduct A/B testing with different banner sizes. Then, measure the metrics supporting your campaign goal and make a decision.

You can adapt this algorithm to your company’s needs. For instance, add some steps or change their order. The most important thing is to keep in mind all the basic formats, platforms, and sizes we’ve discussed in this article. And always test your hypotheses!


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  • What is a banner ad?
    A banner ad is a type of digital advertising that presents information graphically on websites, mobile apps, social media, etc. The main purpose is to attract a user’s attention and offer a message about a product, brand, etc.
  • Why are banner ad sizes important?
    Banner ads can efficiently grab users' attention and communicate a message. Banners come in different sizes for various platforms and across different devices, such as smartphones, tablet PCs, desktops, etc. Choosing the right size increases your chances for an ad campaign success.
  • What are common desktop banner ad sizes?
    The typical desktop banner ad sizes are billboard (970*250), leaderboard (728*90), medium rectangle (300*250), skyscraper (120*600), wide skyscraper (160*600), portrait (300*1050), and 20x60 (120*60).
  • What are the popular mobile banner ad sizes?
    Here are some of them: smartphone banner (300*50 or 320*50), medium rectangle (300*250), mobile phone interstitials (640*1136, 750*1334, 1080*1920), and feature phone banners (small – 120*20, medium – 168*28, large – 216*36).
  • How to choose the right banner ad size?
    You must define your goal and audience, choose the ad placement options, and consider the platform requirements and IAB standards. Then, create a list of available banner sizes and evaluate them according to a defined set of criteria. Finally, choose leaders and conduct A/B testing.

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