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Bonanza 2025: Unveiling the Cost-Effective Ad Banner Sizes for Maximum Impact. Download

Campaign Optimization Tips

This video explores key campaign optimization strategies in Epom White-label DSP. Learn to monitor and improve your win rate, automate A/B testing with bidding rules, and blacklist low-performing traffic sources. The step-by-step guidance will help you refine your campaigns and achieve better results with effective ad campaign optimization tricks.

Useful terms:

Win Rate The ratio of won impressions to total bid requests. It indicates the effectiveness of bidding strategies in real-time auctions.
Bid Price The maximum amount an advertiser is willing to pay for a single ad impression during an auction.
Click-Through Rate (CTR) The percentage of clicks an ad receives compared to the number of impressions it served.
Bidding Rules Automated criteria set within a DSP to adjust campaign behavior, such as pausing low-performing creatives or modifying bids based on specific metrics.
A/B Testing A method of comparing two or more variations of ads (e.g., images, messages) to determine which performs best based on metrics like CTR or conversions.
Blacklist A list of traffic sources, websites, or apps that are excluded from receiving bids due to poor performance or non-compliance.
Filters Rules applied in DSP campaigns to include or exclude specific traffic sources based on performance metrics or other criteria.

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