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How to Get Published on Epom Blog

Epom blog is not just a blog. It's a virtual library for all who want to study ad tech and programmatic quickly and hassle-free. We keep our standards high and try to make the best evergreen content in our niche.

Thus, we're looking for 5-star contributors with deep expertise in ad tech to write one-of-a-kind posts about what matters to our audience. There are some guidelines on how you can become one:


The Topics we Accept:

  • Ad tech — everything related to ad tech software (DSP, ad server, DMP, etc.);

  • Programmatic — insights on programmatic advertising, its benefits;

  • Digital advertising — limited to display, mobile, video, and in-app advertising

  • Advertising business — actionable advice for ad networks and agencies.

  • Industry news & expert opinions with the potential to become evergreen content.

  • Case studies, personal experience, expert tips with examples related to ad tech.

The Topics we DON'T Accept

  • PPC, affiliate, Facebook, other kinds of advertising, not related to our blog;

  • News that doesn't have enough potential to become viral;

  • Generic advertising topics like “How to drive more traffic to your website with paid advertising”

  • Topics that has been already covered by almost everyone;

  • General tech trends;

  • Marketing topics that have little to do with advertising like SMM, content marketing, SEO.

Exception: We might accept these if your idea has some relation to ad tech or offers a unique perspective on the issue. Example: “That's When Programmatic Has a Potential to Beat Your Facebook Ad Campaigns”

Key Requirements for Your Guest Post

  • Data-driven, factually correct, and fluff-free piece of 1000-2000 words with actionable advice, examples and author conclusions;
    Hint: Around 1500 is perfect.
  • Should include a catchy intro paragraph of 2-4 sentences.
    Hint: See how we do this in any post on the Epom blog.
  • Make sure to add a strong, creative, and engaging introduction to your post. No openings like “It's no secret that…” “[topic] is king…” or “[topic] became very important in our lives” will be accepted.
    Hint: We LOVE cool analogies, in-house studies & surveys, and storytelling.
  • No blatant self-promotion.
    Hint: One link to your website is accepted, but it has to fit in naturally.
  • Add thematic SEO keywords;
    Hint: If you don't use a paid service like Ahrefs or Moz, go to Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest and choose some of the low and medium competition.
  • We favor simplicity. Write in a friendly tone with short sentences and paragraphs. Don't overly use the passive voice and overused expressions.
    Hint: No conversational slang and familiarity. We&re are in a B2B industry, after all.
  • Content should be original and error-free.
    Hint: Use Grammarly before sending it to us.
  • Include references for images (with links to their sources). Besides, use bullet points, tables, and other visual elements.
    Hint: 1-2 images for the 1000-word post, 2 images for the 1500-word post, 3-4 images for the 2000-word post. NO STOCK IMAGERY.

Once Your Blog Post Got Published


  • Share it on our company’s LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest;
  • Feature it in our future Quora answers, where relevant;
  • Include it in our weekly newsletter;
  • Repurpose it on Growthhackers, Medium, and other similar resources;
Revision time: It takes around 10-14 days for us to review and accept/decline your idea. In any case, you’ll get an email from us with our decision.


  • Share the link on your own social networks;
  • Share the link on the social networks of your company;


  • Repost it on your own blog, Medium, or other places without adding our link and Link: REL: CANONICAL attribute to the post. Note that Medium supports this feature while many other sources do not.

Become our guest contributor today!

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